Sunday, March 27, 2011

Breckenridge Spring Break 2011

This was my second year in row to Breck with my dad, brother, and uncle, I had a blast. We left at 5 a.m. in the morning and by the time I woke up at noon we were halfway there. One thing that I didn't realize is how long it took to get through Kansas going East to West... something like 10 hours.

So, we pull up to the condo we have rented. Next door there are a group of sorority girls unpacking their car. They yell to me as I step out of the car painfully, "Hey, we should be friends!" Of course, I couldn't agree more... So half an hour later I'm walking back from the ski rental shop and the girls are walking by. My dad and brother are about a minute behind me, so I know I need to talk quickly. Not that I'm ashamed of my dad or brother, but I realize that this conversation is huge as far as my week goes, and I can't afford to stumble through awkwardly with the "howdy, where are y'all from?" lines that would come out if they were there. So one girls says hello and mentions they are going to the rent skis too. I say hello, and mention how excited I am to be on spring break and how cool it is to have neighbors my age as I'm staying with family. At this point I have about 30 seconds... </flashback>From the previous year I know how hard it is bump into people multiple times, I talked to a girl on the lift and thought I'd see her out that night or the next as we both said would be doing. I never saw her again and was mad at myself for not getting a number</flashback_off>.... So I talk quickly to the girl who was smiling the most and seemed the most friendly, I gave her my number and told her to text me if they were going out and wanted some company. My dad and brother then walk up and "howdy, where are yall from?"s commenced flawlessly. They were from Texas Tech, as I had known as soon as I read their sorority t-shirts when they had walked up. From there it was all downhill, I went out for drinks with them a few times and spent alot of time in the hot tub. The week was fun and playful, and nothing too serious happened. It was a great spring break with family and friends.

Now we can talk about skiing, it snowed on our second day there, we had 3-5" of powder and it was great. I improved quite a bit and was comfortably doing blacks and a few diamonds. The air is amazing, it gives you a light headedness and quickness of breath that reminds you about the simple pleasures of living and breathing. I love the adrenaline rush that you get when you test your limits.

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