Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Moving Next Month

It's amazing how much junk can get piled up in 2 years. The lease on my house is up in May and I'll be finding somewhere else to stay. The house is nice, but honestly it's just too damn expensive, I'd be fine living in somewhere much cheaper and it makes sense that I should try to do so. Looking for a new residence is pretty exciting, I'm enjoying the feeling of uncertainty, but I'll probably get more nervous about it over the next few weeks haha.

So I won't miss the house much, but it also means I'll be breaking up with my buddy Jay. We've been roomies for 3 years, and he honestly is one of my best friends. He can be a little a weird, but then again I'm weird. We have fun just sitting around joking and watching movies. It's gonna be weird having a new roommate in a few months. On that note, I have no idea who that might be, so another thing to be anxious about, but I guess we'll just see happens. I just kinda feel like winging it, and what happens happens. I've got an apartment scoped out and will apply as soon as I can maybe snag a roommate.

Packing my things up will be a bitch and I have no idea where I'll put it all in the process of moving. I acquired most of my furniture on the stipulation that I never bring it back haha.

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