Friday, April 1, 2011

Threat Level Midnight

Threat Level Midnight gets a D- by this movie critic. Michael Scarn shines as a true lead role should in a spy thriller. The surrounding cast falls short however for Michael Scott's writing, directing, producing debut.

Really I just wanted to profess my love for the Office, I've got every season on DVD, and am thoroughly enjoying this season's performances as Michael Scott(Steve Carrel) prepares to depart. I have been an avid fan of the show for several years. I love the entire cast and think the show has had a wildly successful run in today's environment of reality TV and short-lived series. I certainly think that the cast is strong enough for the Office to continue after Carrel's departure. Will Ferrel also looks to have a refreshing role as Scott's replacement. Hopefully Ferrel will remain to do several more shows. If the show does end after this season, then I'll say it certainly went out with a bang and will always be remembered fondly as a great series by me.

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